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Friday, July 10, 2009


Intense Pulsed Light Hair Removal Treatment

The newest procedure on the epilation and cosmetology market: What is IPL? It's a revolutionary advancement to 'laser' cosmetology (which includes hair removal and more). It is similar to laser epilation in many ways. The radiation emission source; however, is far superior in cost, reliability, fluence (power) and A very powerful flash tube delivers a photon emission 10-20 times larger than a typical epilation laser (in diameter at 180 jcm2). This light energy is carefully filtered with precision optics. The heat is removed from the energy with a Schott KG1 Filter, then all wavelengths above 800 are removed with a MgF2 coated lens. The photons are sent through Ruby, Sapphire or a BK7 Glass condenser (depending on requirements). The end result is a safe, usable, high-density photon emission with performance equal to (or greater than) that of an ordinary laser.adjustability.
A very powerful flash tube delivers a photon emission 10-20 times larger than a typical epilation laser (in diameter at 180 jcm2). This light energy is carefully filtered with precision optics. The heat is removed from the energy with a Schott KG1 Filter, then all wavelengths above 800 are removed with a MgF2 coated lens. The photons are sent through Ruby, Sapphire or a BK7 Glass condenser (depending on requirements). The end result is a safe, usable, high-density photon emission with performance equal to (or greater than) that of an ordinary laser.